
Sedentary Lifestyle Riskier Than Smoking, Diabetes and Other Health Problems


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Most people know smoking is bad for them, as is heart disease and diabetes. However, a sedentary lifestyle is actually much worse than any of these.

That’s according to Dr. Wael Jaber’s new study.

The Cleveland Clinic doctor said being unfit during an exercise stress test can be even worse than being a diabetic, hypertensive or a smoker. He said there’s nothing like this kind of study before and it should be disturbing.

The U.S. is currently faced with a fitness problem. The average BMI for men is 28.6; in the 1960s, the average was 25.1. Anything more than 24.9 is deemed overweight, and over 30 is regarded as obese.

Jaber said that being unfit should be seen as a disease and that exercise is the prescription to treat it. Researchers must get people to understand that no exercise can impair a person’s ability to live a long life.

His results came from looking at more than 100,000 patients who had to do an exercise treadmill test between 1991 and 2014. He said people who fail to do well on the treadmill test were two times as likely to die as people who were on dialysis for kidney failure. Jaber said people who have a sedentary lifestyle have a 500 percent higher risk of death than those who exercise regularly.

Jaber said comparing the sitting risk to exercise performers, then the risk of death is three times more than smoking.

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Posted by on Oct 23 2018. Filed under Health, New. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Comment for “Sedentary Lifestyle Riskier Than Smoking, Diabetes and Other Health Problems”

  1. I was diagnosed as type 2 last year, my weight was 125kg, my doctor wanted me to start insulin and encouraged a diet with an alarming amount of carbs, so I went to boots and bought a blood sugar tester that I used every day, and started on a Atkins type diet. I.e no carbs….. and when I say no carbs I really mean none. So lots of meats and fish, eggs etc. I also got some useful information here http://mydiabetesway.com/the-16-best-foods-to-control-diabetes I gradually started loosing weight at a rate of 3kg per month and Im now 94kg, I have never taken insulin and in a few months I will be my target weight. my lifestyle can never go back to carbs, but I can have some nowerdays without my blood sugar increasing, so if I want a curry I can have a Nan bread with it but no rice chips etc. And to be honest when you cut out carbs you can eat a lot of really tasty things that help lose weight a fry up without the beans is fine, lamb chops and kebabs without the bread etc. The only downside is because of the extra fat intake I need to be doing daily cardio. I really believe doctors are offered too many incentives by drug companies and tend to love writing prescriptions instead of encouraging a positive change in our lifestyles.

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