
Hamill To Reprise Infamous Star Wars Role

Mark Hamill will reprise his iconic Luke Skywalker Role for new Star Wars movie.

Hamill said he had no choice but to say yes when George Lucas informed him of his plans to make Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He said he knew that if he said no people would be surrounding his house like a bunch of angry villagers carrying lightsabers.

He said he was a bit taken aback that Lucas has invited out to lunch, with Hamill’s wife telling him maybe a new film was going to be launched. Hamill said he didn’t believe it as Lucas had said he was out of the Star Wars biz after he made the prequels.

Hamill said he really thought the lunch invite was going to entail the announcement of a 3-D version or the release of a new box set for the films.

When the project started to piece together, Hamill said he was a bit apprehensive but optimistic about Star Trek guy JJ Abrams. Hamill said he does like Star Trek as well. He complimented Abrams for his generality, as he is the first Star Wars director to have been borne outside the original Star Wars movies.

Hamill said Abrams wants real sets like everybody does.

He also said he’s worried about information leaking before the release date of Dec. 18, claiming he saw the seventh film’s subtitle on the Internet.

Hamill said, in the beginning, no one cared about the first one but these days everything is so hush-hush.

He was given the go-ahead to mention he did a voiceover for the new teaser trailer that was released Thursday. In the teaser, Luke’s voice said “The force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it. You have that power too.” – a slightly altered Return of the Jedi line.

Hamill said he kept messing it up by saying, “My father HAD it”.

He said the trailer makes the implication that so much has happened from the Jedi.

Hamill said it’s a teaser for a reason: they want to tease people.

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Posted by on Apr 19 2015. Filed under Entertainment, New. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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