Facebook CEO Taking 2 Months Paternity Leave After Daughter’s Birth
Mark Zuckerberg announced via Facebook that when his daughter is born, he’ll take two months of paternity leave. Many comments have been made, praising him for his decision and saying it sent a positive message regarding the U.S. policies on parental leave.
Facebook has a policy that allows parents to take up to four months of parental leave. However, Zuckerberg decided to take only two of the four offered months. The CEO’s decision to use the extended paternity leave is at a time when better parental leave is a hot topic in both Silicon Valley and Washington D.C.
Of course, two months’ away is a fairly long time for the CEO to take time away from the company, especially since he still controls more than half of Facebook’s voting power.
If Zuckerberg posts any status updates after the birth of his child, they’re probably going to be baby pictures… not work-related. Not too long ago, Zuckerberg posted a picture of the couple’s dog with the baby seat.
A report from cnet.com showed how other technology companies:
Netflix – nearly an annual leave
Bing – 18 weeks
Microsoft – 12 weeks
Zuckerberg said he and his wife had been trying to get pregnant, but suffered with three miscarriages. Zuckerberg is definitely in daddy mode because he’s made all the preparations so far to ensure his daughter has the best in the world. Zuckerberg is a true gentleman and really loves his wife, and wants the best for his family.
Who will take over the job while Zuckerberg is gone? Chances are, it’ll be Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg.
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